About Us
With more than 15 years of experience as your friend in need, as Dua Cenaze Transportation and Burial, we undertake the funeral organization on your most painful day and carry out all the formalities and legal procedures without any problems.
Our service is valid for all Germany and European countries.
We offer reliable burial, whether by transporting the body to a Muslim cemetery in Germany or to your home country.
We send Funeral Transport vehicles to all parts of Europe from the Dua Cenaze Transport and Burial Service office located in our main centers in Hessen and Nordrhein-Westfalen, ensuring that the funeral procedures are completed in a trouble-free and professional manner on your sad day.
You can call us 24/7 on such a painful day.
It is our job to tell you about the Transfer transactions you want in detail.
![About Us 1 cenaze namazı](https://en.dua-cenaze.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/cenaze-namazi.jpg)
"Ah! Would that (Death) had made an end of me!"
Surah Hâkka Verse 27
Our Mission
Our Vision
To be a leading and respected funeral transfer company all over the world with the funeral transfers we carry out internationally.
Dua Cenaze Internationale Bestattungsinstitut (Dua International Funeral Shipping Company)
Firma Sahibi: Ali AKILLI
Mobil: + 49 (0) 173 65 57 197
Whatsapp: + 49 (0) 173 65 57 197
Fax: + 49 (0) 69 478 616 81
Email: info@dua-cenaze.com
Address: Jungmann Str. 10 65933 Frankfurt / Main
Tax Number: 015 801 31635
Tax Office: Frankfurt / M V-Höchst
Content responsibility
Responsible for content pursuant to Section 55 (2) of the German Broadcasting Treaty (Rundfunkstaatsvertrag – RStV)
Dua Cenaze Internationale Bestattungsinstitut
Jungmann Str. 10 65933 Frankfurt / Main
Represented by:
Dispute resolution
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.
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Insofar as the content on this page was not created by the operator, third-party copyrights are respected. In particular, third-party content will be identified as such. Nevertheless if you should become aware of a copyright violation we request that you notify us accordingly. If legal infringements become known, we will remove such content immediately.